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We Believe:


that the Bible is God's Word to mankind divinely inspired by revelation to those who wrote it, and containing His ultimate authority


in the unity of the Godhead, that God is uniquely Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to whom equal honour is due


the incarnation and virgin birth of Jesus Christ & that He is God revealed in human form as the Son of God


that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross was a sacrifice for our sin and that He rose from the dead on the third day following His crucifixion


He ascended into Heaven and will return to earth a second time


people are born with a sinful nature, and as a human having fallen short of God's standards, are liable to the righteous judgement of God


that we need to be born again by trusting in the Lord Jesus and personally accepting by faith that He took our punishment for sin upon Himself at Calvary


eternity awaits all people after death. Heaven is the destiny for believers after death (as promised by the Lord Himself in John 14 v 3). Those who refuse to believe and reject God's salvation through Christ ae destined for a lost eternity


believing Christians should be baptised and meet together to remember the Lord, and to increase their understanding of God’s word and purpose


Christians should share the love of Christ to others in practical ways and make the good news of salvation known to other people

The following verses of Scripture may be helpful in connection with these statements. 1 Timothy chapter 3 verse 16, Romans chapter 5 verse 6, Acts chapter 1 verse 11, Acts chapter 2 verse 41. 

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